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Upcoming Events

    • February 12, 2025
    • 6:00 PM
    • Forest Grove Presbyterian Church
    • 23

    Class meets from February to September 2025 on every second Wednesday at 6 to 9pm.

    Below is a rough outline of the course materials. So that the beekeepers can prepare for the following month, the materials are presented a month in advance of when activities are usually needed. However, since we will all be experienced beekeepers, the material will be altered to reflect the participants’ needs. Seasonally relevant questions will be welcome. The intermediate class is designed the person who has kept bees for at least one year and who want to advance their beekeeping skills to the next level. The class will meet once a month February through September. Each class will present information that will apply to beekeeping activities in the following month.

    Main topics

    February: Honeybee biology and winter survival mechanisms

    March: Swarm control methods and important sources of nectar and pollen

    April: Catching swarms and preparing for the honey flow.

    May: Biology of the colony after the swarm has left and harvesting honey

    June: Varroa control and preparing summer nucs

    July: Honeybee diseases and pests

    August: Using beeswax and preparing for Fall

    September: Preparing for winter; more on varroa treatments and overwinter small colonies  

    • February 18, 2025
    • 6:00 PM
    • Forest Grove Presbyterian Church
    • 27

    The course consists of 8 classes from February to September.

    Registration is now open. Registration will close on March 19, 2025.

    Are you interested in beekeeping but have never done it before? Have you started raising honey bees and want to learn more? Perhaps you have been raising honey bees for a few years and just want some refresher techniques. If so, then the Bucks County Beginner Beekeeping Course is just the right thing for you! It offers classes that are timely to your seasonal beekeeping needs with lessons full of beekeeping insight and information in a classroom setting.

    Instructor: MARK ANTUNES

    WHEN: The course consists of 8 classes from February 2025 to September 2025. The schedule will always be the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Meetings start at 6 PM and last until about 9 PM.

    Class 1: Tuesday, February 18th

    Class 2: Tuesday, March 18th

    Class 3: Tuesday, April 22nd (4th Tuesday)

    Class 4: Tuesday, May 20th

    Class 5: Tuesday, June 17th

    Class 6: Tuesday, July 15th

    Class 7: Tuesday, August 19th

    Class 8: Tuesday, September 16th

    WHERE: In-Person ONLY at Forest Grove Presbyterian Church

    COST: A single student receives membership to the Bucks County Beekeepers Association, educational materials, and eight great classes for only $150. This is over 25 hours of teaching.

    Note: Family members residing in the SAME HOUSEHOLD ONLY may register for a second student at a discounted price of $130. Total for family $280

    CONTACT: For more information e-mail us at:

    Please note that this class format and meeting requirements are subject to change. While it is our goal to maintain the class as it is described here, public health and safety for the students and the instructors will always be paramount.

    • March 15, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Forest Grove Presbyterian Church
    • 40

    One Day Seminar and Workshop

    You can prevent some swarming by being ready. Reduce losses by doing the necessary and timely preparations and management practices taught by master beekeeper Dr. Vincent Aloyo and Mark Antunes.  With almost 80 years of combined experience, you are bound to learn something new. 

    Please join them for a fun and fact filled day of learning and live demonstrations at this special BCBA seminar;

    All about Swarms  

    Short Agenda

    • Basics: What is a swarm?
    • How to predict them
    • How to prevent them
    • How to plan for them
    • How to lure and find swarms
    • How to catch them
    • Management after catching
    • The good, the bad, and the ugly of swarms
    • Includes Continental Breakfast and Lunch.

Our Mission

The Bucks County Beekeepers Association (BCBA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting beekeeping in the local community through education and resource sharing.

Contact Us!
PO Box 711, Doylestown, PA  18901

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