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Extractor Rental - Large, Motorized

  • March 27, 2025
  • March 30, 2025
  • Furlong, Pa
  • 0


Registration is closed

The BCBA owns an extractor and your membership to BCBA allows you to rent it! There is a $15 deposit for as much as three days of use. Equipment must be returned clean, dry, and in good condition. If not you may be asked to pay an additional fee and/or be prohibited from renting in the future.

BCBA does it's best to accommodate everyone's schedule but this is a busy time of year for the equipment. Please keep in mind that you can pull the honey from your hive and wait to extract if it's not possible to get the extractor on the exact day you request. Pull the honey from your hive like you normally would then store the super or frames in a clean, air-tight container (a big storage bin works well). Bring the stored bin inside and store in your laundry room or somewhere cool and away from mice, ants, or other bugs that would love to get at it. Your honey will be fine in this state until the extractor makes it's way to your home.

A HUGE thank you to member Steve Briegel who stores and helps BCBA with this extractor--be sure to thank him yourself upon pick-up/drop-off.

This new MAXANT extractor can extract 6 mediums/shallows radially and 3 deeps/medium-shallows tangentially. It also has a motor to make extracting even faster.

You will need to pick-up/drop-off the extractor in Furlong, PA. Further details will be shared via email once your registration is complete. This machine is 18.5" in diameter, and 24.5" in height, the stainless steel spinner should fit in most cars.

Included with rental of the extractor:

  • hot uncapping knife
  • plastic uncapping tank
  • uncapping scratcher
  • 5-gallon pail with honey gate and filters

Our Mission

The Bucks County Beekeepers Association (BCBA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting beekeeping in the local community through education and resource sharing.

Contact Us!
PO Box 711, Doylestown, PA  18901

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